Kidney Failure and Kidney Disease; Differences

The kidney can lose its function quickly in a matter of minutes under certain conditions and that is referred to as acute kidney failure. However, the national problem of kidney as often reported has little to do with acute type of kidney failure. It has a lot to do with years of progressive kidney disease.

January 14, 2025|10:50 pm


The Biggest problem of HIV/AIDS Today-Ghana

In the final analysis, if you remove this ugly, thick clothing of stigmatization, marginalisation off HIV victims, in the light of marvellous medical breakthrough in treatment, management, prevention and possible universal cure, I can openly say, comparably, HIV infection is far better than diseases like chronic hypertension, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver diseases, stroke etc. Data point to the fact that, those are the diseases killing people most in this country. I work at the clinical side of healthcare and you can hardly see many people lying down on hospital beds for days (admission) because of HIV infection. And yet, every year, we hear of frightening national statics of new infection. If Ghana really want to turn the tides on the high rate of infection among its citizens, it must with all seriousness tackle and cure this strong resistant disease of HIV stigmatization first-no other better ways to do that.

January 14, 2025|9:46 pm


Stop Taking Pain Medications at Home-Very Dangerous Practice

It’s just like an offensive scent around your house; you may choose to spray to dilute the odour temporarily and that will not permanently deal with it as the source remains-dead, decaying rat. The best thing to do is to look for the source and dispose of the dead rat.

January 13, 2025|12:05 pm