Signs and symptoms are clinical presentations of diseases. They are not the main problem/Diseases; they are only alarm the body sets off to alert the individual or whoever is monitoring to take steps to deal with actual health condition.
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If one began experiencing headache (symptom) or there is body swelling, if they are not externally induced in the form of physical hit to the body, you cannot uproot that symptom/sign by targeting with painkiller or any other medication. The best thing to do is to look for the source and deal with it.
It’s just like an offensive scent around your house; you may choose to spray to dilute the odour temporarily and that will not permanently deal with it as the source remains-dead, decaying rat. The best thing to do is to look for the source and dispose of the dead rat.
Additionally, If one keeps taking medication at home for symptoms and signs, it’s just like continuous mobbing of the floor as a tank full of water is broken and seriously leaking. Look for the point of leak and seal off; that’s the most appropriate thing to do. The best place to investigate and locate the source of signs and symptoms is the hospital. Healthcare providers employ tools and skills in doing so.
Some signs and symptoms point directly to a particular health problem; however, in most cases, many other diseases can present the same or similar signs and symptoms. For instance, a pain in the groin could be as a result of health problem in the chest or swelling of the cheek could be caused by problem with the kidney. The public do not have the means to deal with all these at home. This and many other reasons why healthcare is very complex.
Sometimes, healthcare professionals struggle to locate accurate source of health problems in order to target with right treatment, how much more we, non-healthcare providers at home?
In conclusion, always run to nearest health facility to have any persistent signs/symptoms investigated and the source treated in time. Many people suffered massive strong which could have been prevented. Persistent headache, dizziness or the numbness popularly called “ananse” in Ghana may not be caused by mere tiredness or lack of sleep, those could be signs/symptoms of impending serious stroke. Abdominal pain could be symptom of serious abdominal infection. So, do not be quick to take in pain killers to silent symptoms or engage in self-medication. Please visit the nearest health facility on time.